Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Let’s Not Be Bamboozled

In order to help ensure more time for each presenter to share their proposal on the 25th, I ask that you take some time to consider the issues I raise here now : Thanks so much for the time that you have already given me. I know you are all very busy. Bill

Sue presented us/me with a beautifully wrapped Easter proposal, and there is little question that it’s a very worthy human, deeply felt issue that we at Unity cannot ignore, nor should we. But that being said, let us not be bamboozled/tricked or thrown off track by such political tactics ---not Sue’s, but the special interests!

In researching my own project proposal I have been alerted that such issues as banning gay marriages and civil unions and promoting concealed weapons legislation are largely diversionary tactics or snares set by large special interest groups to trap us into talking about and working for these hot button issues rather than keeping a steady and persistent focus on real, honest people issues such as clean water, health care, adequate and equitable school funding and campaign finance reform.

Special interests and corporations who have bought and now own our legislators totally, use such legislation as a ruse to distract and deter us from the people’s interests. I was informed that the proof in the putting is the fact these big interests deliberately bring such issues forward not at off year or local elections but at the state wide and congressional elections that are guaranteed to bring out the extreme right who will vote to keep their paid for and bought candidates in office and that will serve the exclusive interests of the special interests, including corporations. I learned that seven or eight states have already used ban gay unions and marriage bans in order to control and maintain the electoral status quo in their respective Houses, and with respect to and significant health care and environmental initiatives as well.

By maintaining such control of your legislators they can continue to pass preemptive legislation that serves their own special interests but, in fact, is best decided at the local level, i.e. no smoking, the removal of old billboard signage, land use, etc. Such big interest here in Wisconsin spent 6.5 to 1.15 million dollars or 13 times more than that spend by everyone else (that includes you and me) to prevent local decision-making. This is big interest’s means or tactics for preventing any fundamental changes from appearing on the legislative agenda.

For these reasons, then, I strongly urge the Advisory Council to assign the proposed “Fair Wisconsin” or the “Love Thy Neighbor” project to the Human Rights sub-committee, in order that more structural and substantive up-stream work can begin now.

With respect the gay union ban, whether it is obtaining petition signatures, canvassing the neighborhood or whatever, these Unity activities need not deter us, nor should they. I would like to remind the group that Dr. Lichterman has already warn us that such seductive and alluring causes will constantly be brought before us. But because our cause is so great to our children and our grand children’s freedom and democracy, let us hold fast.

I believe that here in Wisconsin we are now a critical period where the balance can be tipped either in the direction of campaign reform or continuing down the slippery slope that we are now on. If what has already happened, and is now happening, at our Capitol is not enough to rouse out of complacency, how much more alienation and loss of our freedom can we take?

If there was ever in our Nation’s history a time when we need to stand up and speak up, it is now. A recent Wisconsin poll shows that only 7% of the citizens of Wisconsin believe that their legislators represent their (the people’s) best interests. We need to regain our trust and faith in our public institutions and in our representatives. Your legislator and mine are arrogant and emotionally and economically removed from the people ---you and me. And worse, they believe that they can do no wrong and are untouchable. Let us begin!

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