Monday, November 12, 2007

Unity of Madison Theatre


Eric - Deenah Givens, Social Justice Justice Minister and myself (William R. Benedict), a member of Unity of Madison's Social Justice Advisory Council, met with Sarah Blake this morning regarding our plans to develop a small theatre group that would produce plays that would promote campaign finance reform and/or clean government.

We haven't officially named our group yet but for now we will simply call it "Unity of Madison Theatre." Our plans now call for calling for scripts relating to campaign finance reform.

Just want to let you know that Sarah discussed and highly recommended your site as an excellent resource for people like us who wish to start a new theatre. As we go along in the process we plan to use MadStage to help us recruit play participants, advertise and generally in whatever way that we can.

In my blog, I will include periodic postings on our theatre's progress, show dates, etc. I will also include MadStage's URL in my list of links so that when we join and advertise through MadStage it will be easy for my readers to contact us. I also hope that we can join and support this website.

Best regards, Bill Benedict

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