Tuesday, September 30, 2008

GAB acts to ban sham issue ads

I was privileged to attend the recent Government Accountability Board (GAB) meeting and was so proud and pleased to see that all six of these non-partisan board members seemed to me determined to put an end to sham issue ads.

In a nut shell this process refers to the misuse of so called “issue ads” by the super-rich and powerful to anonymously attack and defeat a political candidate through a barrage of insanely costly negative TV ads especially in the last few days before Election Day.

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign estimates that nearly eight million dollars was spend on such spurious ads during the last two Supreme Court elections. It is clear to this citizen that the Board has both the authority and the means to bring an end these corrupt practices. After all, this watchdog group has the statutory authority to fight corruption and/or the appearance of corruption, and to ensure the integrity of our election process.

How many of us really believe that our constitutional fathers ever intended for us to equate our so-called “free speech” rights with exorbitant corporate spending rights while the people’s right to peacefully assemble and speak out at political events erodes more and more each day. We can be sure that the Wisconsin Lobbyist Association and mistaken free speech advocates will continue to fight for the right to spend, spend, and spend and thus squander away and make more impotent each day the legitimate and true voice of the people.

Let all Americans who love our sacred liberties, follow the lead of these six courageous clean government watchdog officials and more recently John Wiley and the Epic Corporation, and stand up with them to the corporate lobbyists and the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. Call the Board’s office at 608-266-8005 and commend them for their industry and fine work since beginning in January 08 and assure them that they have your support.

Respectfully, William R. Benedict

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