Friday, September 21, 2007

Wonderful life, but for whom?

America has changed in the last twenty years. As citizens of this still great country, we have so much to be thankful for. But how sad I am today when I think of the America that used to be.

I feel like George Bailey in the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” His Bedford Falls seemed to be changing and he was deeply troubled. George’s experience reminds me of my America today.

I wonder whether others feel the deep sadness that I feel this holiday season, a time of year when we look back and take stock. Consider the social, political and economic injustices and changes that we have allowed during these last two decades. When I count these losses I see:

∑ An America where, our federal government withdrew its safety net from the poor children of this country. Today a poor child’s shelter, food and clothing rest solely upon the capricious care of the state and local government and the charity of churches and civic groups (much in evidence during the Christmas season).

∑ An America where poor families are forced to live on our streets, in cars or over heating vents, going for days, or months without adequate food, shelter and clothing.

∑ An America where we now routinely accept, without remorse or shame the food basket, food pantry, the soup kitchen and church shelter as permanent institutions in our midst.

∑ An America where the people are no longer in charge of their government and have allowed corporate America to buy our freedoms and rights to equal representation. Special interests have high jacked our legislatures.

∑ An America where the once cherished word “liberal”, meaning “belonging to the people,” has been tarnished and defiled.

∑ An America, where contributing your tax money to support the basic needs of the disenfranchised has become unpatriotic and un-American.

∑ An America that has made it more difficult for a poor person to declare bankruptcy while at the same time allows big companies to withdraw pensions for its workers..

∑ An America where a non-partisan public radio or TV station must beg for funds in order to contribute to an informed electorate.

∑ An America where the media chooses maximum profits for the stockholders over hard and accurate news.

∑ An America where the labor movement has declined until only a small percentage of our work force is represented with a union.

∑ An America where, in the interest of economy, our public libraries are foolishly often closed on Sundays, with reduced weekly hours and staffing.

∑ An America where over one-third of Americans are without any health insurance and must pay exorbitant drug and medical bills in order to survive.

∑ An America where our civil liberties and freedom of speech are daily encroached.

∑ An America where billions of dollars are recklessly spent on our military industrial complex while the American people’s most basic economic, health and social needs continue to erode.

∑ An America that violates human rights and disregards the Geneva Convention. And finally, an America that is no longer respected abroad or viewed as a peace loving country.

Unfortunately unlike George Bailey, the American people do not have a guardian
angel. There is no “Clarence” to make everything right again. Instead, cut throat competition, the bottom line, and increasing incivility has replaced brotherly love and compassion. The greedy corporations and special interests have stolen our government. The Mr. Potter’s of this world seem to be winning.

However, there is still hope for us in the coming year. We can begin to
redress the losses by demanding public campaign finance reform that will level the playing field. That will once again return the Legislature to the people, and give voice to the small shop owner, the farmer, and the middle class citizens of this great country.